Unfortunately there is no modification method for any of the 2D games (SH1, SHC, SCHX), except in virtualize/emulators programs (like VirtualBox) or similar programs like WINE for us Linux and BSD nerds. hardpenguin Jan 18 View PC info pb Jan 18 Steam original Stronghold, I've always wanted to play it after reading the review in a paper magazine, but it didn't have an Amiga version, eh.

This works for Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends. Note that by entering your email address and clicking Sign Up you are giving Firefly Studios permission to email you with marketing communications about their games. Like Doomsword said, Alt+Tab is another alternative, if you just want to switch to another task, but windowed mode might work out better if you are text-chatting with someone at the same time.
Put in your cd, click the icon, change the resolution to however big you want the window the be. If using wine version prior to 1.7.33, you must install 'd3dx936' Comments. Also see: FAQ:Your village Categories Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Everything you need to know about each village type is listed here - useful for finding out which resources each type may or may not have, before purchasing/capturing. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\Stronghold2.exe" -windowed Stone Kingdoms Is an open source fan remake of the famous Stronghold from Firefly Studios. BUILD Your Stronghold - Crush the invading hordes with impenetrable castle defenses. Below you will find the definitive Village Table. Right click your desktop Stronghold Legends Shortcut, go to your "Shortcut" tab (should be the one that comes up first), in "Target" add a space and type in "-windowed" after the shortcut name, and click "OK". Hello Zaraf, you can make Stronghold 2 and Legends start up in windowed mode easily by modifying your desktop shortcut (or create one by reight clicking the.