And i explain the functions further below: Your vagina allows you to have sexual pleasure, channels period blood outside of your body, and aids in pregnancy and childbirth after the pregnancy. At the beginning of the vaginal canal, both the vulva and the labia exist. The cervix may be found in the passageway that connects the vagina to the uterus. The vaginal canal serves as a connection between the uterus and the outside environment.

The higher one-third is connected to the base of the bladder. Anterior: The bottom two-thirds are associated with the urethra, the bottom half of which is strongly implanted in the wall of the urethra.This happens when the cervix gets stuck to the wall of the uterus and can't be pulled away from the wall. Vaginal Fornices: The fornices are the clefts that are formed at the top of the vagina (vault) as a result of the expansion of the uterine cervix through the anterior wall of the vagina.As a result, the vaginal pH is acidic from adolescence all the way until menopause.The estrogenic activity has a variable effect on the pH, which ranges anywhere from 4 to 5. Vaginal Secretions: Doderlein's bacilli are microorganisms that live in the vagina and make lactic acid from the glycogen that is found in the exfoliated cells.Muscular Layer: The layer is comprised of unclear inner circumferential and outer longitudinal muscles and a fibrous covering originating from the internal organisation fascia, which is a highly vascular submucosal layer of loose areolar vascular tissue.Submucosal Layer: The layer of loose areolar circulatory tissue.Mucous Layer: The mucous coat, which is bordered by stratified squamous epithelium but does not include any glands that produce secretions,.Therefore the presence or absence of hymen cannot be called a sign of her virginity. In some cases it may not be present at the time of birth. This membrane may get damaged either via sexual activity or from physical activity such as riding a horse or other forms of exercise. The hymen is a tissue membrane that partly covers the vagina. The birth canal is formed by the combination of the vaginal canal and the cervical canal, which is the cavity formed by the cervix. In addition to this, it also plays a role in the process of menstruation by facilitating the flow of blood. The penis of the male and the vagina of the female communicate with each other during sexual activity, which might eventually result in pregnancy. Because it is composed of tissues that are both elastic and muscular, it is able to maintain its lubrication and improve its sensitivity throughout sexual activity during the labour and delivery process. You'd think the revolution would have to make its way down to our bikini lines, too-right? To get to the bottom of pubic hair trends, I spoke with Katie Slanina, esthetician and owner of Skintuition in Southern California Christian Karavolas, laser specialist and owner of Romeo & Juliette Laser Hair Removal Spa in New York City and Pamela Jeschonek, esthetician and owner of Everyday Esthetics outside of Pittsburgh-people who observe how real women shape their bikini lines every day.When not properly cared for, a woman's vagina may be one of the most painful parts of her body, despite the fact that it is one of the most attractive parts. Half a dozen female celebrities shaved their heads at one point, conveying a message that I interpreted to mean, "I no longer accept your expectations of femininity." There's no denying it: right now is a time of revolt. Scores of people who didn't think much about gender five years ago are now proudly identifying as feminists.

In a time when even our president is a menace to gender equality, women are increasingly on guard when it comes to other people trying to control their bodies. But in this particular moment in history, women are becoming aware and outraged over unreasonable beauty standards more than ever before. To go bare, bushy, or something in between has been a personal decision women have weighed since the 1980s when pubic hair styles became a thing.